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hola !!

Iniciado por Natty nazario, Agosto 16, 2014, 01:40:55 AM

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Natty nazario

hola soy natalia, argentina, vivo en brasil hace dos anos y a principio del ano que viene me lanzo a la aventura por el mundo !! me siento muy feliz espero poder compartir esto con ustedes siempre... saludos !


Hola, si no lees ingles o deseas mas info, escribe a: [email protected]

Hi!... in November 2014 , I will begin a crossing from Buenos Aires , Argentina to Halifax , Canada.
The trip will be made in a comfortable motorhome.
Will be about 20,000 miles (round trip) and lasts for about 14 months.
The purpose of this trip is volunteering to help many people access to a better quality of life.
However, entertainment, tourism and fun will be a nice addition.
I have experience in long journeys. Last one was from Argentina to Colombia in 2010.
After that, I made a lot of journeys not so big.
I'm looking for an smart and polite female partner to travel and help us as a volunteer.
If you have some knowledge of photography and computers (social networks) or you are willing to serve as volunteer, that would be a plus.
You could be part of partial or total length of the trip.
No other payment but food and bed, the good moments we will share, the remarkable experience of become familiar with South, Caribbean and North America and, of course, the smile of those people we could help..
The trip includes Argentina , Chile , Peru  , Ecuador , Colombia , Venezuela , Panama , Costa Rica , Honduras , El Salvador , Nicaragua , Guatemala , Mexico , USA , Canada and Brazil.

For more details, ask me at:  [email protected]
I'll be looking forward for your contact.