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Mensajes - sandrajulio18


Every sunday we meet at downtown, in Aduana square next to the statute from 17:00 to 19:00 or earlier depends the activity to discover the most beautiful places of the city.

This may 26th, let´s take photos and learn the mysterious and interestings stories. Next, we will go to trinidad square where we will grab something and do language exchanging.

Totally free, if you want you can give a voluntary tip for the guide.

Whatsapp: +573007186802

Hour: 17:00 to 19:00.

Join us.
You are welcome.

We meet every sunday to discover all the beautiful activities and places including beaches from Cartagena de indias. We try local food, take photos and do language exchange while we hang out.

Every sunday.

On may 26th, we will learn the history and mysterious anecdotes of the streets. So join us and find more information by whatsapp +573007186802.

If you are around, join us this sunday from 17:00 to 19:00.

Totally free , if you want you can give Voluntary tip.   

At aduana square near the statute.
Let´s rent bikes and go around the most beautiful places of downtown in Cartagena de indias. Let´s also try one of the typical food and do language exchanging in one of the mall that is in from of the beach.

Let´s meet at Clock tower.

For more information: +573007186802